We have chosen the Large Scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel
Simulator (LAMMPS) code to calculate the coalescence of silicon carbide (SiC), silicon
oxide dust (SiO) in the AGB stellar wind. LAMMPS is a classical molecular dynamics
(MD) simulation code. At the same time, we consider the effect of temperature on the evo lution of molecular dynamics. We also calculated the temperature change of non-spherical
SiC, SiO dust coalescence. The condensation temperature range of SiC dust in the AGB
stellar wind is [300-500]k and [900-1100]k for SiO. Finally, the infrared spectrum of SiC
was calculated using Gaussian 16 software. The 77SiC, 70Si3C3, and 121Si3C3 models
have clearly characteristic peaks of infrared spectra responding at 5, 8.6, 11.3, 15, 19, and
37 µm.