The existence of customary courts in Indonesia is still prevalent. It had been erased and brought back again by national law. The present customary court is used by the Toraja Tribe. This article answers the questions of how is the execution of customary court in Lembang Nanggala Sangpiasalu and whether or not Kombongan is still used. Both questions are answered through research using the socio-legal method. The authors conducted interviews with To Parenge traditional leaders and a few members of the Lembang Nanggala Sangpiasalu society. The results show that the customary court still uses Kombongan and also musyawarah (discussion), but it is no longer obligatory to use the four levels of hierarchy Kombongan has. Parties involved in a dispute settled by Kombongan may choose to proceed with the higher levels of Kombongan or settle it through the district court.