Small islands possess the main character, namely limited land resources; thus, their development must pay attention to the land's capability to support life. Sulabesi is one of the small islands located in the North Maluku Islands with a very low to very high level of land capability. As a small island and center of activity, it faces several problems, including population growth, land availability, and vulnerability to natural disasters. The study aimed to assess the suitability of land capability with land cover and disaster risk and provide direction for the development. Additionally, it employed an overlap analysis method using the ArcGIS 10.5 tool with spatial data, namely land capability and disaster risk, and land cover changes from Landsat 7 & 8 satellite imagery throughout 2000, 2010, and 2020. The research finding denoted that Sulabesi Island continues to experience changes in land cover, particularly the increase in built-up land for 20 years. These changes were then spread over the land capability of class A and class B development capability characteristics of 280.46 ha. Furthermore, the suitability between land capability and disaster risk areas was also observable in classes A, B, and C, with the risk of tsunamis, earthquakes, and landslides. Thus, efforts to manage sustainable land use, mainly built-up lands, must be directed at the capability of land with a very high -medium development classification and free from disaster risk. It can be a reference for future research in developing small islands that are more resilient.