Accelerated development of productive forces and population growth determines the more intensive use of land resources. Modern technologies progress contributes to more intense and complex technogenic load of the land. The active use of the land in a vertical dimension (not only ground, but also underground and aboveground space) often leads to consequences which are increasingly creating negative social pressures and necessitate the economic and environmental matching. Land relations have always been one of the determining factors of socioeconomic development and tightly exist in a single system of socioeconomic matters. Therefore, the development of cities, regions, countries is directly related to the effectiveness of land management. The aim of the study is to systematize objects that can be located in different vertical levels of the land plot with taking into account their origin and functional use. The study analysed objects both natural and anthropogenic ones. It was proved to separate a special subclass of natural-anthropogenic objects. Inter anthropogenic objects special attention is paid to the buildings and structures. Buildings are combined in subclasses-residential and non-residential buildings, and structures-in transport and engineering ones. The study also includes an analysis of the impact of various natural and anthropogenic objects on territories development in matching with land management methods ensuring harmonious combination the social, economic and environmental aspects. Object location in the vertical dimension was taken into account in research. Recommendations regarding eensuring a balance between the environmental, economic and social aspects of urban development were observed in the article.