Agroforestry systems have cultural, economic, social, and biodiversity conservation significance and are essential for the subsistence of communities.Is there a difference in the richness, management and use of useful plants present in the agroforestry systems (home gardens, coffee plantations, and milpa)? What is the influence of sociodemographic factors on the distribution of traditional knowledge regarding plants of these systems?Las Delicias, municipality of Juquila Vijanos, Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, Mexico, from January 2016 to May 2018. Visits to three agroforestry systems and semistructured interviews with 30 families to learn how they use the plants and to calculate the use value (UV) for each species. The similarity of floristic composition between agroforestry systems and the influence of sociodemographic factors (age, gender, schooling, economic activity and language) in the traditional plant knowledge was evaluated. The methods used were chi squared and proportions analyses, and a generalized linear analysis with Poisson distribution.The three agroforestry systems consisted of 211 of useful plants; home gardens and coffee plantations had a greater similarity in floristic composition; the dissimilarity of the milpa agroecosystem is related to seasonality. The plants with higher UVs were those with multiple uses, and are found mainly in coffee plantations. Production in these spaces is complemented to satisfy the needs of the inhabitants. Gender and economic activity are factors that influence the distribution of traditional knowledge.Agroforestry systems provide a species richness differentiated for specific purposes but complementary to each other. coffee plantation, home gardens, milpa, use value.
ResumenLos sistemas agroforestales tradicionales tienen una importancia cultural, económica, social y en conservación de la biodiversidad; son esenciales en la subsistencia de las comunidades. ¿Existe diferencia en la riqueza, manejo y uso de plantas útiles presentes en los sistemas agroforestales (huertos familiares, cafetales, milpa)? ¿Cuál es la influencia de los factores sociodemográficos en la distribución del conocimiento tradicional sobre las plantas de estos sistemas?Las Delicias, municipio de Juquila Vijanos, Sierra Norte de Oaxaca, México; de enero de 2016 a mayo de 2018. Recorridos por tres sistemas agroforestales y entrevistas semiestructuradas a 30 familias, para calcular el Valor de Uso de cada especie vegetal. Se evaluó la similitud de la composición florística entre los sistemas agroforestales y la influencia de factores sociodemográficos (edad, sexo, escolaridad, ocupación e idioma) en el conocimiento tradicional de plantas, mediante pruebas de Ji cuadrada, de proporciones y de un modelo lineal generalizado con distribución Poisson.Los sistemas agroforestales estudiados conservan 211 especies vegetales útiles; los huertos familiares y los cafetales tienen una mayor similitud florística; la disimilitud del sistema milpa se relaciona con su temporalidad. Las plantas con mayor Valor de Uso fuero...