Elementary excitations in rather thick symmetric films of liquid 4 He at Tϭ0 K are investigated. They are characterized by a momentum បq parallel to the surface and may be described by bound or continuum states, which are obtained by solving a Bogoliubov-type equation formulated within the framework of the pairedphonon analysis and the hypernetted-chain approximation. Films of coverages n c ϭ0.3 and 0.4 Å Ϫ2 confined by simple Gaussian potentials are studied. The excitation spectrum is numerically evaluated by discretizing the associated eigenvalue problem in a finite box. The evolution of the energy levels as a function of the box size is explored. Examples of the calculated energies and wave functions are displayed in a series of figures. Two differing sorts of continuum states may be distinguished. Depending on the behavior of their excitation energies as a function of the box size on the one hand, and the spatial distribution of their wave functions inside the film and in the asymptotic region far apart from the interface layer on the other, the continuum solutions can be separated into two classes of excitations: ͑a͒ the ''regular'' continuum states and ͑b͒ the ''resonant modes.'' The matrix elements of the particle-hole potential and the penetration factors of the most important states are examined. The lowest-lying branch of states is always bound and for qϽq R (q R Ӎ1.9 Å Ϫ1 being the momentum at the roton minimum͒ it describes surface ripplon excitations. In the atomic scale regime, 1.1 Å Ϫ1 ϽqϽq R , the hardest ''resonant mode'' can be interpreted as a roton trapped at the center of the film and therefore associated with ''bulk'' excitations of the system. Our results support the occurrence of the repulsion between ''bulk'' and ripplon excitations proposed by Pitaevskii and Stringari. The strength of contributions originated from different normal modes to the liquid structure function is evaluated. While for very small values of momenta (qр0.2 Å Ϫ1 ) the contribution of the lowest-lying normal mode is dominant, for momenta qϾq R the structure factor is determined by the contributions originated from the three lowest-lying even states. At qϷq R there is a dramatic transfer of strength from the bound continuation of the hardest ''resonant mode'' to the ripplon excitation. Experimental data of the inelastic structure factor S(q,ប) may be satisfactorily interpreted on the basis of our calculation. On the other hand, it is shown that for 2.9рqр3.9 Å Ϫ1 the lowest-lying excitations become surface modes again.