The birth of the field of photoinduced phase transitions was strongly influenced by the conceptual viewpoint expressed by Professor Y. Toyozawa on the condensation of relaxed excitons. Since this first period, twenty years ago, this young field has been expanding rapidly along a diversity of directions. Nowadays, it goes hand in hand with the challenges of today's science: emergence, nonlinearity, coherence, far away from equilibrium, for example. The control of the functionality of a material via photoexcited states poses many new fundamental questions. Some of them will be overviewed: (i) the nature of the control parameters and the nature of the relevant collective variables, especially the order parameters, which characterize the evolution of the system, (ii) the difference between photoinduced transformations under continuous light irradiation and those resulting from an ultrashort laser pulse, (iii) the physical mechanisms of ultrafast photoinduced phase transitions from the formation and proliferation of phototransformed entities to the softening of a collective mode. 78.47.D-
Flash-backThis paper is dedicated in memoriam of Professor Yutaka Toyozawa, a founding father of the field of photoinduced phase transitions (PIPT). After the pioneering experimental work of Koshihara on the observation of the photoinduced neutral-to-ionic instability [1], the paper of Prof. Y. Toyozawa, "Condensation of relaxed excitons in static and dynamic phase transitions" [2], is the fingerprint of his inspiring contribution. He brought out some conceptual keys which strongly influenced our research and that of many of our colleagues. In the conclusion of this paper he emphasizes "the usefulness of the global view-point . . . considering the crossover of the excited and the ground electronic states and correlating static and dynamic phase transitions through the motion of (spontaneously or optically) condensed elementary excitations".A second step was the Taniguchi symposium in 1996 "Relaxations of excited states and photoinduced phase transitions" chaired by Prof. Nasu [3]. The aim of this symposium was to discuss the new problem of unconventionally photoactive materials. In these materials the relaxation of optically excited states result in collective motions or drastic structural changes, involving a large number of atoms and electrons. Actually, in a way this symposium was the precursor of the PIPT conferences. The extension of the physics of self-trapped excitons, which Toyozawa has largely contributed to [4], to systems with electron-spin-lattice cooperative interactions was discussed from the viewpoint of both material science and solid state spectroscopy. * corresponding author; e-mail:herve.cailleau@univ-rennes1.frThroughout this first period different theoretical papers were published, developing this approach to establish some backgrounds in the understanding of photoinduced phase transitions [3,5,6]. At the same period, different approaches of photoinduced phase transitions were introduced [7], in particular to t...