Citation: RENZI, E. and SAMMARCO, P., 2016 Landslides manuscript No.(will be inserted by the editor)The hydrodynamics of landslide tsunamis: current analytical models and future research directions.
Emiliano Renzi · Paolo SammarcoReceived: date / Accepted: date Abstract Landslide generated tsunamis are lesser-known yet equally destructive than earthquake tsunamis. Indeed, the highest tsunami wave recorded in recent history was generated by a landslide in Lituya Bay (Alaska, July 9, 1958) and produced runup in excess of 400 m. In this paper, we review the state of the art of landslide tsunami analytical modelling. Within the framework of a linearised shallowwater theory, we illustrate the dynamics of landslide tsunami generation and propagation along beaches and around islands. Finally, we highlight some intriguing new directions in the analytical modelling of landslide tsunamis to support early warning systems.