PURPOSE:To evaluate the morphological aspects of the behavior of 4 types of latex biomembranes implanted in preperitoneal videolaparoscopic inguinoplasty. METHODS: Sixteen inguinoplasties were performed in 12 dogs: group 1 received an impermeable latex biomembrane in the right inguinal region and a prolene prosthesis, as control, in the contralateral inguinal region; groups 2, 3 and 4 received latex biomembranes respectively containing impermeable polyamide, 1-mm thick porous polyamide and 0.5-mm thick porous polyamide. Macro-and microscopic evaluations of the inguinal region and of the removed implants were made on the 7 th , 14 th , 21 st and 28 th days in group 1 and on the 28 th postoperative day in the other groups. RESULTS: We observed absence of hematoma, seroma and infection; presence of tortuosities; induction of vascular neoformation, inflammatory reaction and collagen deposition, and full encystment of the latex biomembranes, except that with fine porous polyamide, which was partially incorporated, with the formation of microcysts. No latex biomembrane induced fibrosis as observed in the prolene control group. CONCLUSIONS: The biomembranes maintain induction of the healing process without fibrosis, are fully encysted and, except for the one with fine porous polyamide, are not incorporated into adjacent tissues. The latex biomembrane, with or without polyamide, is not recommended as a separate material for preperitoneal inguinoplasty.