For all common laparoscopic procedures (e. g. cholecystectomy, appendectomy, inguinal hernia repair, fundoplication and colorectal resection) it has been possible to demonstrate in systematic reviews and meta-analyses that they produce better results in terms of perioperative outcome than open surgery. Accordingly, there are very few publications that report on intraoperative complications and their management. In this respect a distinction must be made between positioning complications, access complications and complications related to the pneumoperitoneum, which can manifest in all laparoscopic procedures, as well as the specific complications associated with individual procedures.The main focus of any consideration of intraoperative complications must of course be on strategies to prevent the occurrence. If intraoperative complications have occurred, the most important aspect is the diagnosis and control with prime importance accorded to which complications can still be controlled using a laparoscopic approach and when an open procedure must be used. In general a switch to open surgery should be made in the event of serious complications. Only a highly experienced laparoscopic surgeon will be able to safely manage complications once they have occurred without putting the patient at further risk. In doubtful situations the approach that poses least risk is open surgery for complications that have already occurred.