This paper emphasizes once more the many strands which go into creating the unique and complex nature of the mixed-valent HTSC cuprates, above T c as below. Clearly it is not sensible to look in isolation to the lattice, magnetic or electronic aspects of the situation. Circumstances are too tightly coupled and interdependent. What one is in a position to do is to ascribe some preeminence in these matters. The line taken in this paper, as in its predecessors, is that charge constitutes the prime mover, but this taken within a chemical context, relating to bonding effects in the copper oxides and to a crucial shell-filling negative-U term of large magnitude. What dictates the uniqueness of copper in this is its particular position within the periodic table at the end of the 3dseries. This provides access to (i) three stable valencies, (ii) to the limited metallicity of tightbinding, mixed-valent YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 , etc., (iii) to the p/d hybridized limitation of magnetic behaviour, and (iv) above all to the shell closure effects, with their dramatic energy adjustments of the relevant double-loading states when sited in high-valent local environment. This behaviour rests on the inhomogeneous electronic and structural conditions existing within these tight-binding mixed-valent systems. Normally such systems show strong positive-U behaviour and are magnetic. Here the shell-filling effects negate this U term to leave a net negative U eff of −3 eV per pair. That positions the bosonic electron pairs degenerate with E F . RVB spin coupling within the stripe phase geometry set up by the doped charge removes much spin-flip pair breaking, while the adopted 2D crystal structure with its saddle-point dominated F.S. provides the ideal k-space geometry from which to secure the negative-U driven pair formation. The Jahn-Teller effect associated with the d 9 electron count is crucial in upholding the two-subsystem nature of the HTSC materials.This paper looks at the support for this scenario that can be extracted from the recent work of Corson, Li, Mook, Valla, Norman, Varma, Gyorffy and many others. To the author it remains a mystery why other researchers have not examined the potential of this route for understanding the unique characteristics of the HTSC cuprates.3