Gate-controlled silicon quantum devices are currently moving from academic proof-of-principle studies to industrial fabrication, while increasing their complexity from single-or double-dot devices to larger arrays. We perform gate-based high-frequency reflectometry measurements on a 2x2 array of silicon quantum dots fabricated entirely using 300-mm foundry processes. Utilizing the capacitive couplings within the dot array, it is sufficient to connect only one gate electrode to one reflectometry resonator and still establish single-electron occupation in each of the four dots and detect singleelectron movements with high bandwidth. A global top-gate electrode adjusts the overall tunneling times, while linear combinations of side-gate voltages yield detailed charge stability diagrams. We support our findings with k•p modeling and electrostatic simulations based on a constant interaction model, and experimentally demonstrate single-shot detection of interdot charge transitions with unity signal-to-noise ratios at bandwidths exceeding 30 kHz. Our techniques may find use in the scaling of few-dot spin-qubit devices to large-scale quantum processors.