We revisit the scalar O(N ) model in the dimension range 4 < d < 6 and study the effects caused by its metastability. As shown in previous work, this model formally possesses a fixed point where, perturbatively in the 1/N expansion, the operator scaling dimensions are real and above the unitarity bound. Here, we further show that these scaling dimensions do acquire small imaginary parts due to the instanton effects. In d dimensions and for large N , we find that they are of order e −N f (d) , where, remarkably, the function f (d) equals the sphere free energy of a conformal scalar in d − 2 dimensions. The non-perturbatively small imaginary parts also appear in other observables, such as the sphere free energy and two and three-point function coefficients, and we present some of their calculations. Therefore, at sufficiently large N , the O(N ) models in 4 < d < 6 may be thought of as complex CFTs. When N is large enough for the imaginary parts to be numerically negligible, the five-dimensional O(N ) models may be studied using the techniques of numerical bootstrap.Dedicated to the memory of Steve Gubser