From the measurement of dielectric, ferroelectric, and magnetic properties we observe simultaneous ferroelectric and magnetic transitions around ∼600 K in orthorhombic LuFeO 3 . We also observe suppression of the remanent polarization by ∼95% under a magnetic field of ∼15 kOe at room temperature. The extent of suppression of the polarization under magnetic field increases monotonically with the field. These results show that even the orthorhombic LuFeO 3 is a room temperature multiferroic of type-II variety exhibiting quite a strong coupling between magnetization and polarization.PACS numbers: 75.80.+q, 75.75.+a, 77.80.-e The magnetoelectric multiferroics with strong crosscoupling between ferroelectric and magnetic order parameters have attracted a lot of attention during the last one decade because of their potential in radically enhancing the functionalities of the spintronics-based devices for many, including bio-medical, applications. 1 A room temperature multiferroic, for obvious reasons, is always the most sought-after compound. Apart from BiFeO 3 , other systems such as CuO3] have also been identified as potential high temperature multiferroic compounds. In recent time, hexagonal LuFeO 3 is found to exhibit multiferroicity at room temperature. 4 Coexistence of ferrimagnetic and ferroelectric orders was reported in orthorhombic LuFe 1−x Mn x O 3 as well. 5 However, in none of these recent work direct measurement of the multiferroic coupling has been attempted. In this Letter, we show that even the pure orthorhombic-LuFeO 3 , in bulk form, exhibits large magnetoelectric multiferroic coupling at room temperature. The remanent polarization (P r ) is suppressed by ∼95% under a magnetic field of ∼15 kOe. The extent of suppression of P r increases monotonically with the increase in magnetic field. The ferroelectric and magnetic transitions are simultaneous around ∼600 K indicating magnetic structure driven ferroelectricity. This observation signfies that the orthorhombic LuFeO 3 is a multiferroic of type-II variety.The structurally nonpolar orthoferrites such as SmFeO 3 , YFeO 3 , LuFeO 3 etc. exhibit small yet finite ferroelectric polarization because of noncollinear spin structure with canted antiferromagnetic order. [6][7][8] This magnetic order induces a spin current 9 via spinorbit-coupling driven antisymmetric exchange interaction along the Fe 3+ -O 2− -Fe 3+ pathway. The spin current ( j s ) in such a noncollinear magnetic structure breaks the a) Electronic mail: centrosymmetry of the electronic charge density distribution and yields a finite polarization ( P ∝ j s ). 9,10 These compounds, where magnetism drives ferroelectricity, belong to the type-II category of the multiferroics. Interestingly, unlike the well-known perovskite manganites such as TbMnO 3 or DyMnO 3 , the rare-earth orthoferrites exhibit the ferroic transitions at well above the room temperature. In fact, for many of these orthoferrites, the magnetic and ferroelectric transition points (T N and T C , respectively) ar...