In the framework of a general scalar-tensor theory, where the scalar field is non-minimally coupled to the five-dimensional Ricci scalar curvature, we investigate the emergence of complete brane-world solutions. By assuming a variety of forms for the coupling function, we solve the field equations in the bulk, and determine in an analytic way the form of the gravitational background and scalar field in each case. The solutions are always characterised by a regular scalar field, a finite energy-momentum tensor, and an exponentially decaying warp factor even in the absence of a negative bulk cosmological constant. The space-time on the brane is described by the Schwarzschild solution leading to either a non-homogeneous black-string solution in the bulk, when the mass parameter M is non-zero, or a regular anti-de Sitter space-time, when M = 0. We construct physically-acceptable solutions by demanding in addition a positive effective gravitational constant on our brane, a positive total energy-density for our brane and the validity of the weak energy condition in the bulk. We find that, although the theory does not allow for all three conditions to be simultaneously satisfied, a plethora of solutions emerge which satisfy the first two, and most fundamental, conditions.