Bioinspired manufacturing, in the sense of replicating the way nature fabricates, may hold great potential for supporting a socioeconomic transformation towards a sustainable society. Use of unmodified ubiquitous biological components suggests for a fundamentally sustainable manufacturing paradigm where materials are produced, transformed into products and degraded in closed regional systems with limited requirements for transport. However, adoption is currently limited by the fact that despite their ubiquitous nature, these biopolymers are predominantly harvested as industrial and agricultural products. in this study, we overcome this limitation by developing a link between bioinspired manufacturing and urban waste bioconversion. this result is paramount for the development of circular economic models, effectively connecting the organic by-products of civilization to locally decentralized, general-purpose manufacturing.are placed together (Fig. 4b); from the 0.5 mm post-drying layer definition of the insect replica to the 5 m height of the original crustacean-plant version, there are four orders of magnitude achieved using the same free-form manufacturing system and material.
Scientific RepoRtS |(2020) 10:4632 | https://doi.Where, [η] is intrinsic viscosity, K and α are Mark-Houwink Constants. The values of K and α are taken from what was previously determined with identical setting as 0.74 ×10 −3 and 0.76, respectively.Mechanical testing. The mechanical properties of chitosan film and FLAM of insect chitin were evaluated by the tensile test performed using UTM (Universal Testing Machine-Instron 5943) equipped with 1 kN load cell with a cross head speed of 4 mm min −1 at ambient conditions according to the standard method (ASTM D1037-12) 15 . Chitosan films specimens were cut into strips with 70 mm length and 20 mm width. Thickness of the chitosan film were measured by SEM. The specimens for FLAMs were cast in a dog-bone shape mold with 100 × 16 × 6 mm size in the reduced section and allowed to dry in an oven at 50 °C for 24 h before test. 3-point bending test: FLAM (CC 1:8) were tested for the flexural test following ASTM standards (D1037-12) on UTM equipped with 3-point flexure test fixtures. A support span of 60 mm and head speed of 4 mm min −1 was used.figures. Figures and clip art compositions were prepared using Adobe Illustrator (Adobe Inc, San Jose, California, U.S.). Photographs were taken using a Canon EOS 50D camera (Canon Inc. Ota City, Tokyo, Japan) with 18-55 mm lens.