Summary:effective purification of CD34 + cells had required a combination of positive and negative selection methodologies. 5,6 We and others developed methods for purifying blood To achieve a rapid and an efficient purification of CD34 + cells, we devised a nylon-fiber syringe (NF-S) and CD34 + cells, but it was difficult and time consuming to obtain CD34 + cells with a purity exceeding 90%. 5-9 In we manipulated it to deplete adherent cells from normal human blood mononuclear cells (MN cells). The cells patients undergoing autologous bone marrow (BM) or mobilized blood reinfusions, the positive selection of CD34 + processed by NF-S were further purified as the CD34 + fraction, using CD34 monoclonal antibody, immunostem/progenitor cells may also be an effective approach to rid grafts of occult malignant cells which do not express magnetic microspheres and chymopapain treatment to detach the microspheres. When steady-state human per-CD34. [10][11][12][13] However, reported trials with current CD34 + selection technologies have heretofore not achieved consistipheral blood MN cells were processed by NF-S at 24؇C for 5 min, the frequency of monocytes (CD14 + cells) sigent preparations exceeding 90% pure CD34 + cells. 10,12,14 Other investigators reported that high purification of nificantly decreased from 22.0 ± 5.2% to 2.5 ± 0.4%, with a 73% recovery of CD34 + cells. The subsequent CD34 + cells from mobilized peripheral blood can be achieved by depleting adherent cells, such as monocytes, from immunomagnetic positive selection achieved preparations of 91 ± 8% pure CD34 + cells with a 86 ± 23% the starting cell population. 15 In the present work, we searched for conditions for rapid depletion of monocytes, yield. The overall yield of CD34 + cells was 44 ± 11%, and the time required for all procedures was 5 h. There assessed as CD14 + cells, and a permitted frequency of residual CD14 + cells for further purification, from normal was a tight and an inverse correlation (P Ͻ 0.0001) between the frequency of CD14 + cells in the initial cell human blood mononuclear cells. We devised a nylon-fiber syringe system for rapid and efficient CD14 + cell depletion; population and the purity of CD34 + cells in the final preparation. A recommended frequency of CD14 + cells there was an inverse correlation between the frequency of CD14 + cells in the initial cell population and the purity for achieving preparations of over 90% pure CD34 + cells was less than 4.4%. When combining NF-S and of CD34 + cells obtained by the following immunological positive selection. The frequency of CD14 + cells in starting immunomagnetic microspheres, efficient bench-top separation of CD34 + cells in steady-state peripheral blood cells for consistent purification of CD34 + cells exceeding 90% was recommended to be less than 4.4%. can be done in any laboratory, and fluorescenceactivated cell-sorting is not required.