Abstract. In the Future Internet, Big Data can not only be found in the amount of traffic, logs or alerts of the network infrastructure, but also on the content side. While the term big data refers to the increase of the available data, this implicitly means that we must deal with problems at larger scale and thus hints at scalability issues in the analysis process of such data sets. Visual Analytics is an enabling technology, that offers new ways of extracting information from big data through intelligent, interactive internet and security solutions. It derives its effectiveness both from scalable analysis algorithms, that allow processing of large data sets, and from scalable visualizations. These visualizations take advantage of human background knowledge and pattern detection capabilities to find yet unknown patterns, to detect trends and to relate these findings to a holistic view on the problems. Besides discussing the origins of Visual Analytics, this paper presents concrete examples of how the two facets of content and infrastructure of the Future Internet can benefit from Visual Analytics. In conclusion, it is the confluence of both technologies that will open up new opportunities for businesses, e-governance and the public.