A Bronze Age (13-12th cen tury B.C.) ne crop o lis and cult area in Lăpuş (NW Ro ma nia) has been stud ied. The mound in ves ti gated dur ing the pres ent cam paign cov ered a multi-phased wooden cult build ing con tain ing bronze ob jects, ce ramic potshards and slag pieces. The lat ter have a mammillary smooth sur face, ir reg u lar shape and a high po ros ity. Op ti cal mi cros copy re veals a colour less to brown vit re ous mass, full with var i ous-sized pores mak ing up to 40 vol.% of the to tal slag. The glass in cludes relic phases, e.g., quartz, partly melted plagioclase and rutile, rare zir con, il men ite and mag ne tite-rich spinel. Cristobalite and var i ous sil i cates and ox ides were formed within the glass and at the wall of the ves i cles dur ing cool ing. The lat ter in clude faya lite, ferrosilite, mag ne tite-dom i nated spinel, he ma tite, clinopyroxene, mullite and cor di er ite. About 1/3 of the to tal vol ume of the slag con sists of glass with a wide va ri ety of SiO 2 rang ing from 49 to 76 wt.%. It is inhomogeneous, with lo cal en rich ment in Fe, Ca, Mg, Ti and K. The pore struc ture, the par tial melt ing of plagioclase and rutile, the newly formed SiO 2 poly morphs (cristobalite) and the Fe(Al) sil i cates in di cate max i mum tem per a tures of 1100-1200°C for the fire gen er at ing the slags. The slags are not re lated to any met al lur gi cal but to an anthropogenic pyrometamorphic pro cess and formed as a re sult of overfiring some ce ramic ves sels which may have con tained rit ual of fer ings. In ten tion ally ini ti ated fir ing of the wooden struc tures is the most likely the agent of this high tem per a ture. The slags re sem ble buchites and can be termed "ce ramic slags".