The action of sodium bis(2 methoxyethoxy)aluminum hydride and its complex with pip eridine on 2 alkylthio 3 cyano 6 methylpyridines and on their esters in anhydrous ether yielded 2 alkylthio 3 formyl 6 methylpyridines. The aldehydes obtained undergo condensation with malononitrile and methyl cyanoacetate to give the corresponding hetarylidene derivatives.Key words: 2 alkylthio 3 cyano 6 methylpyridines, 2 alkylthio 3 formyl 6 methyl pyridines, aldehydes, sodium bis(2 methoxyethoxy)aluminum hydride, reduction, malono nitrile, methyl cyanoacetate, condensation.Earlier, 1 we demonstrated that the action of lithium aluminum hydride on substituted 3 cyanopyridine 2(1H ) thiones and 2 (alkylthio) 3 cyanopyridines in boiling anhydrous ether affords the corresponding 3 aminomethyl derivatives. The use of sodium bis(2 methoxyethoxy)aluminum hydride (BMA) under analogous conditions leads to various products, depend ing on the structure of the starting reagent. For instance, pyridine 2(1H ) thiones yield aminomethyl derivatives, 3 cyano 6 methyl 2 methylthiopyridine yields azo methine, and 3 cyano 4,6 dimethyl 2 methylthiopyri dine yields a mixture of an amine, azomethine, and dipyridylmethane. 2 Apart from amines, aldehydes of the pyridine 2(1H ) thione and 2 alkylthiopyridine series are of considerable interest as building blocks in heterocyclic synthesis.BMA is known 3-7 to be used for the synthesis of not only amines but also aldehydes from both nitriles 3 and esters; 4,7 BMA is employed alone or together with sec ondary amines such as pyrrolidine, morpholine, and pip eridine. 5, 6 The goal of the present study was to develop methods of preparing aldehydes of the 2 (alkylthio)pyridine series with BMA and its complex with piperidine (BMAP) as reducing agents.
Results and DiscussionWe found that the action of BMA on 3 cyano 6 me thyl 2 methylthiopyridine (1) in ether at 0 °C gives alde hyde 2a (as a mixture with the starting nitrile 1). The aldehyde content of the mixture is 50% at a nitrile : BMA ratio of 1 : 2 ( 1 H NMR data); use of more BMA leads to by products. With a milder reducing agent, BMAP, pre pared from BMA by the reaction with piperidine, 5 the yield of the target product was not increased significantly. According to the 1 H NMR data, the content of aldehyde 2a (in the mixture with the starting nitrile 1) in this case is 60% at a nitrile : BMAP ratio of 1 : 3 (Scheme 1). An increase in the amount of BMAP causes side processes to occur.With the aim of increasing the yield of the aldehyde and avoiding side processes, we used esters 3a,b (synthe sized according to known procedures 8,9 ) in the reduction instead of the corresponding nitriles.In contrast to nitrile, the reduction of ester 3a with BMA in ether at 0 °C led to 3 hydroxymethyl 6 methyl 2 methylthiopyridine (4) in 99% yield (see Scheme 1).The structure of compound 4 was confirmed by data from IR and 1 H NMR spectroscopy and mass spectro metry. Its IR spectrum contains no absorption band of the CO 2 Me group but shows a wide band of the hydroxyl group ...