Comparando a frequência e porcentagem dos exames rejeitados entre os laringectomizados e o grupo controle, dos nove parâmetros avaliados, cinco foram exatamente iguais, três apresentaram frequência de rejeição maior no grupo controle e somente um mostrou uma maior frequência de exames rejeitados no grupo dos pacientes submetidos à laringectomia total. O total de exames rejeitados foi maior no grupo controle (72%) do que no grupo dos laringectomizados (46%). Conclusões: A maioria dos pacientes submetidos à laringectomia total apresenta função pulmonar alterada, de caráter obstrutivo, na maioria das vezes, devido ao histórico de tabagismo. A metodologia para a avaliação da função pulmonar por meio do uso do dispositivo extra-traqueal proposto é confiável, precisa e reprodutível. In all cases of our study, an air-tight seal was maintained through the entire procedure with the use of the adhesive extratracheal device. After the performance of pulmonary function tests, 44% of patients presented a normal respiratory standard whereas 56% had an altered one. When comparing the frequency and percentage of the rejected tests between laryngectomized and control group, out of nine assessed parameters, five were exactly the same, three presented a greater rejection frequency in the control group and only one showed a greater frequency of rejected tests in the group of patients submitted to total laryngectomy. The total of rejected tests was greater in the control group (72%) when compared to the laryngectomized one (46%). Conclusions: Most patients submitted to total laryngectomy present altered pulmonary function, of the obstructive type most of the times, due to a smoking history. The methodology for the assessment of the pulmonary function by using the extra-tracheal proposed device is reliable, accurate and reproducible.Descriptors: respiratory function tests; spirometry; plethysmography; laryngectomy; laryngeal neoplasias; squamous cell carcinoma.