Using a periodic electron beam bunch train to resonantly excite plasma wakefields in the quasinonlinear (QNL) regime has distinct advantages over employing a single, higher charge bunch. Resonant excitation in the QNL regime can produce plasma electron blowout using very low emittance beams with a small charge per pulse: the local density perturbation is extremely nonlinear, achieving total rarefaction, yet the resonant response of the plasma electrons at the plasma frequency is preserved. Such a pulse train, with inter-bunch spacing equal to the plasma period, can be produced via inverse free-electron laser bunching. To achieve resonance with a laser wavelength of a few microns, a high plasma density is used, with the attendant possibility of obtaining extremely large wakefield amplitude, near 1 TV/m for FACET-II parameters. In this article, we use particle-in-cell simulations to study the plasma response, the beam modulation evolution, and the instabilities encountered, that arise when using a bunching scheme to resonantly excite waves in a dense plasma.