The behavior and emission spectrum of hybridwelding arc plasmas are investigated in low-power YAG lasermetal active gas (MAG) arc hybrid-welding process, comparing with simple MAG welding case. The electron temperature and electron density of local arc plasma, deducing, respectively, from the Boltzmann plot method and Stark broadening mechanism, are analyzed in this paper. The conditions of local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) of arc plasma and self-absorption of emission spectral lines are discussed. The results indicate that laserinduced attraction and constriction of hybrid arc root are generated in low-power laser hybrid-welding process, and they make the synergy effect between laser and MAG arc increase. Comparing with simple MAG welding case, a zone above laser-heated spot with higher electron temperature and greater electron density is seen in hybrid-welding process. The maximal values of electron temperature and electron density of hybrid arc in this zone are about 1.56 ± 0.09 × 10 4 K and 1.61 ± 0.16 × 10 17 cm −3 , respectively. The welding arc plasmas are in the state of LTE, and none of the lines selected from emission spectrum of arc plasma is affected by self-absorption.Index Terms-Arc attraction and constriction, electron density, electron temperature, emission spectrum, local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE), YAG laser-metal active gas (MAG) hybrid welding.