The Ainslie Detachment occurs near the base of the Carboniferous Windsor Group, forming a regional flat-lying extensional fault distributed across 10000 km2. New mapping has delineated the structure through southwestern Cape Breton Island and into central Nova Scotia. Shearing is concentrated at the top of the basal Macumber limestone along its contact with overlying evaporites and younger allochthonous units. The highly contrasting rheologies of the formations created an anisotropic zone of weakness which acted as an upper crustal stress guide, stratigraphically controlling the trajectory of the detachment through the basin. The detachment is characterized by an approximately 3 -10 m thick calc-mylonite zone, with an intense planar fabric featuring alternating very fine grained shear planes and coarser annealed layers. Coarser layers are boudinaged into pinch and swell structures, locally producing segmented augen. Highly strained intraclasts, ooids, and peloids, recrystallized carbonate boudins, and carbonate vein segments are included in the calc-mylonite as semirigid inclusions and rotated porphyroclasts. Thick zones of fault breccia straddle portions of the detachment and overprint the mylonite, demonstrating an evolution to brittle conditions during progressive shear. Listric faults in the hanging wall of the detachment feature a ramp and flat geometry, with an upper detachment occurring along the upper contact of the Windsor Group with the overlying Namurian Mabou Group. Locally up to 2 km of the stratigraphic succession has been removed, with faults cutting downsection in a westerly direction producing rollover in the hanging wall.RCsumC : Le detachement d'Ainslie apparait prBs de la base du Groupe de Windsor, il reprksente une faille rkgionale extensive, subhorizontale, distribuke dans une aire de 10 OOO km2. Un nouveau lev6 cartographique montre que cette structure s'btend au travers la rkgion sud-ouest de l'fle du Cap-Breton et dans la partie centrale de la ~ouvelle-~cosse. Une zone de cisaillements est concentrke au sommet du calcaire basal de Macumber, le long de son contact avec les Cvaporites sus-jacentes et les unitks allochtones plus jeunes. Le contraste trBs net des propriCtCs rhkologiques des formations a crkk une zone anisotropique de faiblesse, laquelle a semi i guider les contraintes dans la croCite supkrieure, et a contr6lC stratigraphiquement la trajectoire du detachement au travers le bassin. Le dCtachement est caractCris6 par une zone de mylonite calcareuse d'une puissance approximative de 3 i 10 m, avec une forte fabrique planaire exhibant des plans de cisaillement h grain trks fin et des couches recristalliskes i grain grossier. Les couches avec le grain le plus grossier sont boudinkes, elles foment des Ctranglements produisant localement une structure oeillCe segment6e. Des intraclastes ooydes et pCloYdes intenskment dkformCs, des boudins de carbonate recristallisks et des segments de filons de carbonate sont incorporks dans la mylonite calcareuse produisant des inclusions semi-rigide...