A multiproxy analysis of diatoms, chrysophyte cysts, opal phytoliths, and palynomorphs was undertaken in Negra Lagoon, to decipher Holocene changes in paleobotanical proxies associated with sea-level changes and paleolimnological conditions. Before the Holocene transgression (7000 yr BP), a terrestrial system was inferred as no aquatic palynomorphs or biogenic silica remains were recorded. During the sea-level maximum (5200 yr BP), marine/ brackish conditions were established as indicated by diatoms, Chenopodiaceae, and a high content of cysts of Peridinioideae. The catchment consisted of grasslands and wetlands as indicated by the opal phytolith data. The Holocene transgression was followed by a sea-level decrease, which led to the onset of brackish/freshwater conditions as inferred from the co-dominance of freshwater and marine/ brackish diatoms. This is also supported not only by the concomitant increase in non-siliceous freshwater microalgae and emergent macrophytes, but also by the presence of Myriophyllum. As sea level continued to decrease during late Holocene, a freshwater system was observed because of the complete separation from the ocean. Chrysophyte cysts were consistently recorded and brackish diatoms exhibited reduced abundances. The observed limnological changes are consistent with the alternative states hypothesis of Scheffer's model (1998). That is, the clear water phases were explained because of high macrophyte abundances, low phytoplankton frequencies, high cyst to diatom ratios, and increase in frequencies of benthic diatom species. Conversely, turbid phases were likely to occur when low cyst to diatom ratios together with increase in planktonic diatoms and decrease in macrophytes values were detected. This highlights the importance of this approach to detect long-term changes in shallow lake alternative states.