“…However in most cases, it is safe to say that cooling initiated, seemingly in a somewhat poly-phased fashion, during the last 10 to 15 Ma. These cooling curves in the models might thus represent the timing of the denudation of the modern Tien Shan orogenic edifice and can be corroborated by several lines of independent geological evidence from such fields as sedimentology [Cobbold et al, 1994;Métivier & Gaudemer, 1997;Dill et al, 2007], magneto-stratigraphy [Sun et al, 2004;Charreau et al, 2005;Huang et al, 2006;Ji et al, 2008], geomorphology and structure [Tibaldi et al, 1997;Yin et al, 1998;Burbank et al, 1999;Abdrakhmatov et al, 2001;Thompson et al, 2002;Buslov et al, 2003;Fu et al, 2003;Hubert-Ferrari et al, 2007;Oskin & Burbank, 2007], geophysics [Trapeznikov et al, 1997;Bielinski et al, 2003;Rybin et al, 2004;, geodesy [Abdrakhmatov et al, 1996;Reigber et al, 2001;Vinnik et al, 2004;Tychkov et al, 2008], and other geochronological studies [Sobel & Dumitru, 1997;Bullen et al, 2001;Sobel et al, 2006;De Grave et al, 2007a;Heermance et al, 2007]. We should caution the reader that this Late Cenozoic feature is mainly obtained by modelling the AFT data [Laslett et al, 1987;Ketcham et al, 2000].…”