“…Taking into consideration other aspects leading to the occurrence of posture problems, among which we mention the weight of the schoolbags carried by students from primary and middle school (4-7 kg vs. maximum allowed weight 2.5-3 kg), spending long time watching TV or using the mobile telephone in positions favoring various deformations of the spine from young ages, the late intervention by collaborating with a specialty physician or kinesiotherapist for the immediate remediation of the occurred problems, all the above representing a plurality of factors leading to a negative influence on the performance capacity, aspects which must be solved preferably in a correct way and in a time period favoring the successful continuation of the life in table tennis high-performance. In the case of tennis, according to Filipcic, Cuk, & Filipcic (2016), the present results show that the body asymmetry is present in these athletes starting from the smallest age category, reason for the occurrence of the problems related to the spine; in the case of table tennis, the accidents are the result of excessive training of a preparatory part inadequately achieved, of incorrect posture, emotional instability, mental vagabondage, lack of psychical focus and of previous accidents according to Chu, Lin, & Hung (2010), the influence of anthropometric characteristics in sports performance being still unclear (Carrasco, Pradas, & Martínez, 2010); it is also unclear if this influence is in some cases a favoring factor for the occurrence of the accidents in this sports discipline discussed by us.…”