Meandering rivers are common on Earth and other planetary surfaces, yet the conditions necessary to maintain meandering channels are unclear. As a consequence, self-maintaining meandering channels with cutoffs have not been reproduced in the laboratory. Such experimental channels are needed to explore mechanisms controlling migration rate, sinuosity, floodplain formation, and planform morphodynamics and to test theories for wavelength and bend propagation. Here we report an experiment in which meandering with near-constant width was maintained during repeated cutoff and regeneration of meander bends. We found that elevated bank strength (provided by alfalfa sprouts) relative to the cohesionless bed material and the blocking of troughs (chutes) in the lee of point bars via suspended sediment deposition were the necessary ingredients to successful meandering. Varying flood discharge was not necessary. Scaling analysis shows that the experimental meander migration was fast compared to most natural channels. This high migration rate caused nearly all of the bedload sediment to exchange laterally, such that bar growth was primarily dependent on bank sediment supplied from upstream lateral migration. The high migration rate may have contributed to the relatively low sinuosity of 1.19, and this suggests that to obtain much higher sinuosity experiments at this scale may have to be conducted for several years. Although patience is required to evolve them, these experimental channels offer the opportunity to explore several fundamental issues about river morphodynamics. Our results also suggest that sand supply may be an essential control in restoring self-maintaining, actively shifting gravel-bedded patterns ͉ fluvial geomorphology ͉ river meandering R iver meandering-the lateral bank shifting that produces sinuous, single-thread channels-is inherent to coupled flow and sediment transport in gravel-and sand-bedded channels within a broad range of channel width-to-depth ratios (1). Channel planform classification based on field observations qualitatively suggests that meandering depends strongly on channel slope, grain size, bank strength, and sediment supply (2, 3). Theoretical models of river meandering (2-8), however, assume that the inner and outer banks migrate at the same rate during meandering no matter the bank strength and sediment supply. The processes by which inner bank deposition keeps pace with outer bank erosion are poorly known. This is a fundamental gap in our understanding of meandering rivers.Laboratory experiments have demonstrated that channels with sand or gravel bed and banks will develop bars and planform curvature but will inevitably braid (9-11), because the weak outer banks erode faster than bars can grow and accrete to the inner bank. Braiding often develops due to flow diversion down chutes that form between the bar and the floodplain. Chutes occur because the area of maximum coarse sediment deposition is not located at the boundary between the bar and floodplain, but rather t...