8The cytoskeleton is formed by three types of filamentous proteins -microtubules, actin fila-9 ments, and intermediate filaments (IFs) -and enables cells to withstand external and internal 10 forces. Vimentin is the most abundant IF in humans and has remarkable mechanical properties, 11 such as high extensibility and stability. It is, however, unclear to which extent these properties 12 are influenced by the electrostatic environment. Here, we study the mechanical properties of 13 single vimentin filaments by employing optical trapping combined with microfluidics. Force-14 strain curves, recorded at varying ion concentrations and pH values, reveal that the mechanical 15 properties of single vimentin IFs are influenced by direct (pH) and indirect (ionic) charge vari-16 ations. By combination with Monte Carlo simulations, we connect these altered mechanics to 17 electrostatic interactions of subunits within the filaments. We thus find possible mechanisms 18 that allow cells to locally tune their stiffness without remodelling the entire cytoskeleton.
19One-Sentence-Summary: Adaptable force-strain behaviour of single cytoskeletal filaments 20 in varying electostatic conditions allow cells to tune their mechanical properties rapidly and 21 locally. 22 1 MAIN TEXT 23 Introduction 24It is meanwhile well accepted that the mechanical properties of cells are, to a large extent, 25 governed by the cytoskeleton, a stabilising, yet flexible framework, which is composed of mi-26 crotubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments (IFs), together with motor proteins and 27 crosslinkers. While microtubules and actin filaments are conserved in eukaryotic cell types, 28 there are around 70 different genes encoding IFs in man that are expressed according to the 29 cell's specific requirements (1, 2).
30Despite differences in their amino acid sequence, all cytoskeletal IF proteins share their sec-31 ondary structure with a tripartite alpha-helical rod and disordered head and tail domains (3, 4).
32During the hierarchical assembly, two monomers form a parallel coiled coil and these dimers 33 organise into anti-parallel tetramers in a half-staggered arrangement. The tetramers assemble 34 laterally to form unit length filaments (ULFs), which in turn elongate to filaments by end-to-end 35 annealing (3). The resulting biopolymer comprises a complex high-order arrangement of coiled 36 coils (3), which allows IFs to be extended up to at least 4.5-fold their initial length (5-7). This 37 enormous extensibility is in stark contrast to microtubules and F-actin (8).
38Vimentin is the IF typically expressed in mesenchymal cells (2) and up-regulated during the 39 epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition in wound healing, early embryogenesis, and cancer meta-40 stasis (9). In addition to being highly extensible (7, 10, 11) vimentin is flexible (12-14) and 41 stable (15). During stretching, three regimes are observed in the force-strain data (7, 10, 11, 16, 42 17): an initial linear, elastic increase, a plateau of relatively constant force...