Carla is the mother of 2.5-year-old Alex. Carla and her husband moved to the United States from Colombia 5 years ago. Alex was diagnosed with autism at age 26 months. With the careful guidance and support of his multidisciplinary Early Intervention (EI) team, Alex began support services that included speech, special education, and applied behavior analysis (ABA) at the EI agency's center. Since beginning intervention, Carla has seen improvements in Alex's skills, such as requesting, imitating, and playing with other children. Carla receives parent coaching from the special educator, but she is beginning to question whether the educator's approach is the right fit for their family.During parent coaching, Carla feels overwhelmed with the information and has difficulties understanding some content. Carla's primary language is Spanish and all of the coaching and intervention is provided in English. Although she would prefer to use an interpreter for sessions, finding readily available support is difficult in their area. After sessions, Carla does not feel confident in using the strategies being taught to her and, instead of feeling supported, she feels pressure from the educator to interact with Alex in a way that does not feel natural. Carla also has difficulty connecting