Temperature is widely regarded as a key factor both directly and indirectly responsible for the diversity of marine fauna. The usual patterns show species richness increasing from cold toward warmer regions among the majority of taxa, at least in the Palearctic and Nearctic (Gaston, 1998, 2000). In poikilotherms, temperature directly controls metabolism and growth rates, and hence, the size of an organism. Species diversity is usually negatively correlated with the size of an organism that was well documented on terrestrial insects (Siemann, Tilman, & Haarstad, 1996). That is why the temperature increase due to global warming is likely to cause a change in average individual size, or selection toward smaller species in communities (Atkinson & Sibly, 1997). Such a pattern has already been demonstrated in pelagic Copepoda (Beaugrand, Ibanez, & Reid, 2000), but it is not yet universal in benthic communities (Mazurkiewicz, Górska, Renaud, & Włodarska-Kowalczuk, 2020). The blurred size pattern among soft-bottom benthos is due to the dominance of polychaete worms and bivalves-two groups in which linear growth is difficult to assess. Peracaridan crustaceans, on the other hand, are likely to be the best model taxon for studies of temperature-related size changes. Peracaridans have no larval stage, and juveniles grow throughout life, with the successive moults clearly demarcating the increments. Egg incubation time, egg size, and gammarid female size are inversely related to temperature (see the review in Steele & Steele, 1975). In addition, not only low temperatures but also oxygen levels are responsible for the large size of cold-water Crustacea, a phenomenon known as "polar gigantism" (Chapelle & Peck, 1999). The Atlantic sector of the Arctic is warming very fast (ACIA, 2005), mainly due to the increasing advection of Atlantic waters (Walczowski, Piechura, Goszczko, & Wieczorek, 2012) that brings boreal species north of their previous limits of distribution