This study aims at studying the reproductive aspects of Mugil curema in two coastal systems in southeastern Brazil. Samplings were carried out from March 2009 to February 2010 in Santos estuary and from May 2008 to April 2009 in the Cananéia-Iguape coastal system, using gillnet, cast net, and fish trap. Weight and total length were measured and, subsequently, gonads were removed and weighed. Permanent preparations on the ovaries were carried out. The sexual proportion, first gonadal maturation length (L 50 ), and the quantitative indicators (gonadosomatic index and DK) were estimated for all seasons of the year. There was a significant predominance of females (1:2.4) in both areas, and L 50 was estimated at 248.6 mm. The species showed a synchronous oocyte development and the highest values of quantitative indicators were observed at the start and end of the rainy season. The mean potential and relative fecundity of the species was estimated at 350,430 oocytes and 926.46 oocytes/g, respectively, for individuals ranging from 300 to 402 mm. In conclusion, M. curema from the Cananéia-Iguape coastal system and from Santos estuary showed the start of gonadal maturation in October, which extended to April, with two annual spawning events (April and November), possibly in more offshore areas.