In 2012, the Higgs boson was successfully observed at the
LHC. Due to the relatively low mass of the Higgs, it is possible
to build a Higgs factory using a circular e+e-
collider. Consequently, the Circular Electron-Positron Collider
(CEPC) was proposed shortly after the observation of the
Higgs. After several years of pre-studies, the CEPC study group
completed the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) in 2018. Since then, a
series of key technology R&D efforts have been carried out, and the
accelerator design has been continuously optimized. The accelerator
design can meet the scientific objectives by allowing operation at
different energies for Higgs/W/Z, and ttbar, with high
luminosities. Key technologies required for mass production have
been developed, including the high-performance superconducting
accelerating cavities and modules, high-efficiency RF power sources,
magnets, and vacuum systems, etc,. This paper will present the
selected key technology R&D accomplishments and updated accelerator
key parameters.