Additional optical phonons discovered in the majority of binary solid solution crystals of II-VI semiconductor compounds are discussed. Frequencies of these additional phonons are located inside the transverse-longitudinal splitting of the G point optical phonons, where the real part of the crystal permittivity is negative, and are split by the crystal field into transverse optical (TO) and longitudinal optical (LO) phonons, the frequencies of these additional LO phonons turning out to be lower than those of additional TO phonons.1 Introduction Solid solution systems like Zn 1Àx Cd x S, Zn 1Àx Cd x Se, Zn 1Àx Cd x Te, ZnSe x S 1Àx hold much promise for practical applications, in particular in optoelectronics, due to their unusual physical properties. Structures with quantum wells [1] and quantum dots [2] based on thin layers of these materials, which are candidates for light sources in the blue spectral region, were formed and investigated. Chromiumdoped crystals of these materials have proven to show promise for making femtosecond lasers in the near-infrared (IR) region (l % 2:5 Ä 3:5 mm) [3,4].The compositional disorder of a solid solution modifies the structural, vibrational, and optical properties of polar crystals. These changes give rise to special features in the lattice dynamics of ternary solid solutions of the substitution type (single-mode, two-mode, or intermediate behavior of the transverse v TO and longitudinal v LO vibration frequencies of the system [5]) as well as to the emergence of new modes [local, gap, or resonance (quasi resonance) excitations] and to the defect-induced density of phonon states [6].For a diatomic crystal of the ZnS type, the difference in phonon frequencies v TO and v LO are given by [7]: