By considering temperature effects on the mechanical unfolding rates of proteins and RNA, whose energy landscape is rugged, the question posed in the title is answered in the affirmative. Adopting a theory by Zwanzig [Zwanzig, R. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85, 2029 -2030], we show that, because of roughness characterized by an energy scale , the unfolding rate at constant force is retarded. Similarly, in nonequilibrium experiments done at constant loading rates, the most probable unfolding force increases because of energy landscape roughness. The effects are dramatic at low temperatures. Our analysis suggests that, by using temperature as a variable in mechanical unfolding experiments of proteins and RNA, the ruggedness energy scale , can be directly measured.V isualizing folding of proteins (1-3) and RNA (2) in terms of the underlying energy landscape has been fruitful in anticipating diverse folding scenarios. The polymeric nature of these biomolecules and the presence of multiple energy scales associated with the building blocks of proteins and RNA make their underlying energy landscape rugged. By rugged, we mean that the energy landscape consists of several minima separated by barriers of varying heights. To understand the diversity of the folding pathways, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of the energy landscape experimentally.It is difficult to represent the large dimensional space of the energy landscape in terms of a few parameters. However, the ruggedness of the energy landscape can be described in terms of an energy scale regardless of the precise nature of the underlying reaction coordinate. Within the energy landscape picture, it is clear that rapid folding to the native conformation on a finite (biologically relevant) time scale is unlikely if ͞k B