Abstract. We consider the problem of computing optimal traffic light programs for urban road intersections using traffic flow conservation laws on networks. Based on a partial outer convexification approach, which has been successfully applied in the area of mixed-integer optimal control for systems of ordinary or differential algebraic equations, we develop a computationally tractable two-stage solution heuristic. The two-stage approach consists of the solution of a (smoothed) nonlinear programming problem with dynamic constraints and a reconstruction mixed-integer linear program without dynamic constraints. The two-stage approach is founded on a discrete approximation lemma for partial outer convexification, whose grid-independence properties for (smoothed) conservation laws are investigated. We use the two-stage approach to compute traffic light programs for two scenarios on different discretizations and demonstrate that the solution candidates cannot be improved in a reasonable amount of time by global state-of-the-art mixed-integer nonlinear programming solvers. The two-stage solution candidates are not only better than results obtained by global optimization of piecewise linearized traffic flow models but also can be computed at a faster rate.Key words. partial outer convexification, traffic networks, discretized conservation laws, optimization, mixed-integer programming AMS subject classifications. 35L65, 49J20, 90C11, 90C35 DOI. 10.1137/15M10481971. Introduction. With their seminal papers [22,25] in the 1950s on timedependent models for traffic flow with continuous densities instead of individual vehicles, Lighthill and Whitham and Richards established a new area of mathematical research in traffic modeling. The area is still highly active, e.g., for the case of traffic intersections (see, e.g., [5,8]), which constitute a building block of larger road networks. Our goal in this paper is to devise efficient heuristics to approximately solve the problem of optimal traffic light settings for road networks. We base our work on the model and scenarios presented in [12] and refer the reader to the discussion therein for further references regarding the wide variety of different approaches for traffic light control or related problems such as spillover dissipation [11,23].The resulting mathematical optimization problems, which we elaborate in full detail in section 2, can be described as nonlinear mixed-integer optimal control problems constrained by scalar hyperbolic conservation laws on networks using boundary control. These problems are extremely challenging for several reasons: First, the problems are infinite dimensional in nature and must be discretized appropriately. Special care has to be exercised for the discretization of the scalar conservation laws in order to guarantee well-posedness and, on the discrete level, consistency and sta-