CHROMATOGRAPHIA and could stimulate them to bring their own research to a higher level.Examples of the type of papers CHROMATOGRAPHIA would like to focus on, are the recent review papers: Highthroughput analysis and automation for glycomic studies [1]; Microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (µPADs) and micro total analysis systems (µTAS): development, applications and future trends [2] and the original papers: Layer-by layer assemblies based on a cationic β-cyclodextrin polymer: chiral stationary phases for open-tubular electrochromatography [3], The development of the in situ modification of 1st generation analytical scale silica monoliths [4].To assist this process CHROMATOGRAPHIA will be offering flexibility in manuscript handling and an enhanced way of communication with the authors and the readers by offering accelerated publication for high quality papers. Authors will have the opportunity to submit an original manuscript that is within the primary scope of the journal and to ask for accelerated publication. One of the Editors will decide within three working days if the paper has sufficient quality and will send it out for reviewing, and after five further working days a decision on the manuscript will be made by the Editor and communicated to the authors and if accepted publication will follow as soon as possible. The length of the manuscripts can be between 2 and 10 pages.To support this approach the journal will also encourage short review-type papers dealing with a particular topic which is of importance for the readers of CHROMA-TOGRAPHIA (e.g., integration, hyphenation, miniaturization, stationary phases, theoretical discussions, detection). Authors are invited to submit relatively short papers dealing with critical comparisons between various approaches, unit operation, systems, etc.Since separations are only valuable when they are combined with selective and/or sensitive detection, discussions CHROMATOGRAPHIA is a scientific journal focused on the communication of the separation sciences in all their aspects. However, in the previous century the separation sciences were mainly limited to chromatographic and electrophoretic approaches using mono-dimensional systems. In the new millennium, hyphenated and/or integrated systems have become the norm in analytical-based approaches (see Fig. 1).This means that in addition to mass spectrometric, spectroscopic, and electrochemical approaches, biological procedures (e.g., enzymatic, immunological, receptor-based assays) are also part of the whole analytical process. In the future, CHROMATOGRAPHIA will focus on new developments in sorbent materials and techniques to improve the selectivity, efficiency and speed of separation devices, on hyphenated systems that combine in an integrated way several unit operations (e.g., sample clean-up, separation, assay, detection) to construct (fully) automated systems that fulfill the requirements of the users (speed, reliability, miniaturization) and on the scaling down of existing systems to enable the analysis of s...