Although 3D device simulators have been present for a number of years [l], two major concerns have prevented them from becoming practical toolsthe large computational resources necessary to perform the simulation and the problems associated with data visualization in 3D. We have developed STRIDE (Stanford ThRee dimensional DEvice simulator) as a cost-efficient, visual-oriented tool for 3D device analysis. We have implemented STRIDE on an 16 processor Intel IPSCTM/2 and achieved 80% efficiency. An enhanced initial guess scheme as well a,s an enhanced iteration scheme result in additional performance. In addition the use of advanced 3D visualization tools provides rapid analysis of the resultsgiving insight to 3D device effects. As an example, 3D latchup is investigated.To maintain numerical stability in many device simulators, one must ramp up the voltages in small steps from zero to the initial bias conditionresulting in wasted simulation time. Table 1 shows that by using an improved one-step initial guess scheme based on one proposed by Edwards and Mock, the time spent to bias an npn transistor to any voltage between 0.2V and 0.8V is roughly equal. Note that if we had ramped the input with the discrete steps specified in the Table 1 (6 steps from 0 to O.SV), the simulation time would be 3 times longer.Due to the :strong coupling between the continuity and Poisson equations, Newton's method is often preferred over Gummels methodwith the notion that the fewer number of iterations necessary to achieve convergence overshadows the increased size of the system to solve. STRIDE, however, uses Gummel-based methods. Built upon the success of hISP schemes in one-carrier simulation [2], three schemes have been developed for two-carriers. Two of these schemes are simple extensions of one-carrier MSP, while the third scheme, MSP-2C7 solves both continuity equations simultaneously. Figure 1 shows the total amount of CPU time necessary to converge at a particular base-emitter voltage for an npn structure for both the traditional and MSP Gummel's methods. Notice that while the times are comparable under low-level injection, in the kirk-effect region, the MSP method reduces time for convergence by 54 percent over traditional Gummel. In our latch-up structure simulation, MSF'-2C is able to obtain a rate of convergence at the latch-up state that is a factor of > 2 while the traditional Gummel iterations only achieves a rate of < 3%.The visualization tools [3] allow us to obtain various perspectives of the 3D object (including perspectives from inside the object), to slice the object at arbitrary angles to provide 2D surface plots, and to arbitrarily map colors to data values. Probably the most powerful feature is the ability to render particular portions of the object solid and others translucent, giving one the perspective of looking inside the object. In addition we have the ability to run sequences of' 3D frames, or moviesallowing visualization of voltage/time dependent phenomena.While analysis on layout considerations for 2D l...