T he yield stress of a fi bre suspension is a key parameter in pulp manufacturing, as well as in other industrial applications, e.g. food and biotechnology. Due to fi bre/fi bre interactions, networks are formed possessing network strength, i.e. yield stress. This network has to be disrupted during various processing operations. Disruption is achieved by subjecting the suspension to shear forces larger than the equivalent yield stress, thus causing the suspension to fl ow.MC (medium consistency) technology, i.e. operating at higher consistencies in the paper and pulp industry (approximately 3-15% by weight), has the potential to decrease water and energy consumption, as well as equipment dimensions. This is of particular importance in connection with closing mills. The disadvantages are connected with the more diffi cult processing of the fi bre suspension in operations like screening, pumping, washing and mixing. The fi eld has rapidly expanded during the last decade, but the basics are still fairly poorly understood and, as a result, much of the design work in the fi eld seems to be based on trial and error.For example, in pulp bleaching operations, gaseous reagents are often mixed into these suspensions. The introduction of ozone bleaching in particular has, however, caused complications. The reaction is extremely fast, which makes good gas dispersion essential. Poor dispersion leads to low selectivity, producing unevenly bleached fi bres and degraded fi bres. When gases are mixed into pulp suspensions, it is important to achieve good mixing over the macro-scale, fi bre-scale and micro-scale. This ensures the uniform distribution of reagents throughout the suspension and leads to uniform bleaching. Bennington (1993) was the fi rst to thoroughly investigate mixing gases into MC pulp suspensions. Using a high-speed video system, he identifi ed six different fl ow regimes that were correlated to the power input, pulp consistency and the volume fraction of the gas phase.The yield stress of fi bre suspensions without gas, at MC-concentrations, has been studied experimentally by several authors (Gullichsen and Härkönen, 1981;Bennington et al., 1990;Swerin, 1992;Wikström and Rasmuson, 1998). In addition, network models for predicting yield stress have been developed by Meyer and Wahren (1964), Komori and Makishima (1977), Bennington et al. (1990), Pan (1993 and Andersson et al. (1999). In contrast, the only investigation of yield stress of fi bre suspensions including gas was done by Bennington et al. (1995). Extended measurements were performed for mechanical pulp fi bre suspensions and the results were summarized in an expression for the yield stress of these pulp suspensions:where C m C m C is the fi bre concentration by weight, φ g is the gas concentration by volume both concentrations expressed as fractions, and A is the g tion by volume both concentrations expressed as fractions, and A is the g * Author to whom correspondence may be addressed. E-mail address: rasmus@chemeng.chalmers.se Yield stress measurements...