Adrien Cascarino L'imaginaire des corps dissidents et altérés entre effroi et fascination The Imaginary of Dissident and Altered Bodies. Between Fright and Fascination Abstract: Every individual and every body is born and shaped in a society where a number of representations, including bodily representations, already exist. What happens then when a body appears whose biological "real" is too different from the pre-existing representations? What are the effects of this hiatus on both the body and the representation of the body? Reactions to a non-normative body often aim at shaping the reality to make it comply with the representations rather than the opposite. As a result, non-normative bodies often result in either denial of reality, surgical action or categorization of the non-normative body as "monstrous" or "disabled". The rigidity of bodily imaginaries is partly based on the fright and uncanny feeling caused by the resurgence of the primary fantasy of a fragmented body.