Remarks: Globotruncana sigali, G. renzi, G. inornata, Clavihedbergella simplex, Hastigerinoides alexanderi and some species of Globigerinelloides are particularly frequent in this zone. In the upper part some specimens transitional to G. fornicata occur together with G. concavata primitiva. Globotruncana concavata concavata Zone Definition: Interval from the first occurrence of the zonal marker to the first evolutionary occurrence of Globotruncana concavata carinata. Remarks: Most of the species characteristic for the underlying zone become extinct within this zone. G. angusticarinata, G. coronata, G. linneiana, G. lapparenti together with the first representatives of Rugoglobigerina characterize this zone. Globotruncana concavata carinata Zone Definition: Range of the zonal marker. Remarks: This corresponds to the Globotruncana fornicata Zone of Bolli (1957a) and probably to Globotruncana concavata concavata Zone of Barr (1972). G. area has its first occurrence at the base of this zone; G. fornicata is very frequent. G. concavata, G. angusticarinata, G. coronata, Hedbergella delrioensis, Rugoglobigerina pilula do not extend beyond the upper boundary of the zone. No overlap seems to exist with G. elevata and G. concavata group, but this possibility could not be completely excluded because of the poor preservation of the planktonic assemblages of this interval. Globotruncana elevata Zone Definition: Interval with the zonal marker from the first occurrence of the zonal marker to the first occurrence of Globotruncana calcarata. Remarks: In this zone many species have their first occurrence, i.e., G. stuartiformis, Heterohelix pulchra, Pseudoguembelina costulata, Rugoglobigerina rugosa, Globigerinelloides prairiehillensis, and G. yaucoensis. In the uppermost part of the zone G. elevata subspinosa, G. "tricarinata", and Heterohelix punctulata make their first appearance. This zone covers a very long time span. However, we did not find any event to subdivideit. Globotruncana calcarata Zone Definition: Range of the zonal marker. Remarks: Many species have their first occurrence in this zone including G. ventricosa, G. gagnebini, G. subcircumnodifer, G. havanensis, and G. plummerae. "^ ‰ o Earl y ^,. "8-3 Margins= Globotruncana st 2 Globorotalia formosa formosa Zone Definition: Interval with the zonal marker from the first occurrence of Globorotalia aragonensis to the first occurrence of Globigerina taroubaensis. Remarks: The zonal marker is generally not well represented, while G. aragonensis rapidly increases in number. The "spinose-keeled" Globorotaliae and G. soldadoensis group, occurring in the underlying zones, rapidly decrease in abundance while G. intermedia and G. pseudotopilensis become more and more frequent. G. quetra and G. rotundimarginata also occur. The other Eocene zones based on planktonic foraminifera could not be identified in the Caribbean drill sites as this interval yields only very poor foraminiferal assemblages.