Objectives This study tested a simple model of the relationship between the lead concentration in bone (bone-Pb), exposure time, and lead in plasma (P-Pb) and whole blood (B-Pb) to make it possible to use bonePb as a retrospective exposure index. Methods Seventy-seven active lead workers and 24 referents were studied. The bone-Pb in tibia (T-Pb) and calcaneus (C-Pb) was measured by in vivo X-ray fluorescence. P-Pb was calculated from B-Pb by use of the nonlinear relationship between these variables. Cumulative B-Pb (cumB-Pb) and P-Pb (cumP-Pb) were calculated to the time of the bone-Pb measurements. In addition, cum*-Pb was adjusted by applying varying rate constants for the transfer of lead from bone to plasma. Results There were close linear associations between the lead concentrations in tibia (proportion of variance explained, R2= 0.78) and calcaneus (R2 = 0.80), on one hand and the cumB-Pb on the other. The best fit of bonePb to the adjusted cumP-Pb (0.79 for T-Pb; 0.82 for C-Pb) was obtained for the terminal phase half-times of 13 and 12 years, respectively. C O~C~U S~O~S The combined data on bone-Pb and exposure time make it possible to estimate previous mean P-Pb and B-Pb. Such estimates will be valuable in studies of toxic effects on long-term exposed lead workers when data on the intensity of previous exposure are lacking. The use of P-Pb in modeling bone-Pb kinetics is physiologically relevant, but the use of adjusted cumP-Pb, as compared with cumB-Pb, did not significantly change the variance in the relation to bone-Pb.Key tf3t'mS blood, calcaneus, tibia, occupational exposure, plasma, plasma lead.Exposure to inorganic lead is a considerable toxicologic problem in the work and general environments in many areas of the world (1). Hence, there is a great need for reliable indicators of exposure and risk. The lead concentration in whole blood (B-Pb) is currently the most commonly used index, but, due to its rather fast turnover (2,3), it mainly indicates recent exposure.More than 90% of the body burden of lead is in the skeleton, where the turnover is slow. For fingerbone, half-times of 7-16 years have been found (4,5), and for tibia and calcaneus the corresponding value is 27 and 16 years, respectively (6). The concentration of lead in bone (bone-Pb) thus reflects long-term exposure (7,8). Bone-Pb may be determined in vivo by X-ray fluorescence techniques. Mainly, the concentrations in fingerbone (4,5,7-lo), tibia (T-Pb), calcaneus (C-Pb), and patella (6, 11-1 8), have been studied.However, most of the knowledge about lead toxicity is based on B-Pb. Thus the relationship with other exposure markers (eg, B-Pb) must be known before bone-Pb data can be evaluated. Therefore modeling on the basis of data from lead-exposed humans is required (1 9).Bone-Pb has been shown to correlate well with simple, time-integrated cumulative B-Pb (cumB-Pb) (6-8, 12, 15, 16,20,21 would mean that lead is stored in bone, but never released. Therefore, Borjesson et a1 (8) calculated an adjusted cumB-Pb with respect to the tu...