Innovation plays a critical role in today's highly competitive and technologically advanced business world and many organizations have recognized that Innovative Work Behaviour (IWB) is an essential determinant of effective organizational functioning in dealing with new and complex challenges. In this context, the aim of this study is to examine the relationship between leadership and innovative work behaviour along with investigating the moderating role of organizational culture on this relationship. A field study has been conducted by utilizing convenience sampling method. Data obtained from 144 respondents is analysed through SPSS 22 statistical package program. In this respect, descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, and regression analyses are executed. Hypotheses for investigating moderating effect of organizational culture on leadership and innovative work behaviour is tested through Hayes' PROCESS macro v4.1, which is developed for SPSS. The preliminary analyses results revealed a positive direct relation of transformational and transactional leaderships to employees' innovative work behaviour, and these relations, especially transformational leadership-innovative work behaviour relation, are moderated by organizational culture types of -adhocracy, clan, market, and hierarchy.