This study delves into the intricate dynamics of supply chain resilience amidst the backdrop of ongoing geopolitical disruptions, offering a comprehensive analysis of how modern supply chains can adapt and thrive in an environment characterized by uncertainty and volatility. This review aims to thoroughly examine the impact of geopolitical disruptions on supply chain dynamics, define the essence of supply chain resilience, and explore the strategies that can fortify supply chains against such disruptions. Employing a meticulous literature review methodology, the study synthesizes findings from a range of recent, peer-reviewed sources. This approach facilitates a multi-dimensional understanding of supply chain volatility, drawing on historical perspectives, current trends, and forward-looking insights. The review methodically addresses the role of geopolitical disruptions, the components of resilient supply chains, and the effectiveness of various resilience strategies. The main findings reveal that supply chain resilience is a dynamic capability, heavily influenced by factors such as diversification of supply sources, technological innovation, and adaptive policy frameworks. The study highlights the necessity of a proactive, anticipatory approach to supply chain management, emphasizing agility and strategic foresight. Conclusively, the study underscores the imperative for supply chains to evolve continuously, integrating resilience into their core strategies. Recommendations include adopting a holistic approach to resilience, focusing on sustainability, and embracing technological advancements. This review contributes significantly to the discourse on supply chain management, offering valuable insights and practical guidance for navigating the complexities of global supply chains in an era marked by geopolitical uncertainty.
Keywords: Supply Chain Resilience, Geopolitical Disruptions, Supply Chain Management, Resilience Strategies, Technological Innovation, Global Supply Chains.