Abstract. In modern economic conditions, enterprises function and develop as a complex organism, the vital potential of which is provided by corporate culture. Corporate culture determines not only the difference between organizations, but also determines the success of their operation and survival in a transformational environment. The successful operation of the enterprise also requires a solid foundation in material, financial and human resources, however, without a well-established corporate culture, the organization will not be able to exist in today’s complex environment. In this aspect, an important role is played not only by the approaches to the diagnosis of corporate culture, which were developed by well-known scientists, but also the practical adaptation of changes in corporate culture to business practice. Among the most significant results of these studies are the method of clinical research by E. Schein, the method of diagnosing corporate culture of the organization, proposed by K. Cameron and R. Quinn, and to some extent the system of diagnostic and strategic management of the company, offered by D. Norton and R. Kaplan.
The methodological basis of the study is a system of general and special methods, which allowed to investigate the impact of the phenomenon of leadership potential on corporate culture. The study was based on the use of: method of comparison, generalization — to clarify and formalize the essence of the concept; method of correlation and regression analysis — to build multifactor regression models, calculate predictive values of integrated indicators of leadership potential for each subsystem, optimize subsystems, determine the degree of influence on type of corporate culture; graphoanalytical method — to provide clarity of the material and schematic representation of a number of theoretical and practical provisions of the study. Methods of computer processing, analysis and display of information using Microsoft Excel, STATISTICA were used for complex analysis. The information base is official publications of international organizations, expert assessments of rating agencies, monographic literature, fundamental scientific developments of domestic and foreign authors, materials of scientific conferences, domestic and foreign publications, electronic resources of the Internet, etc.
Keywords: corporate culture, leadership potential, diagnostics of corporate culture.
JEL Classification M10, M12
Formulas: 0; fig.: 3; tabl.: 3; bibl.: 10