The preservation of Indonesian traditional culture can be done in various ways. In the field of music education, this can be done, among others, by guiding students to sing various traditional songs in Indonesia. However, after making observations in several primary and high schools, the researchers found that students still have limited knowledge regarding traditional songs in Indonesia. This article describes the design of instructional media in the form of interactive video "Let's Sing Together" for 3rd grade elementary school students in order to increase students' knowledge of traditional songs and guide them to be able to sing the traditional songs. The main purpose of this learning media design is to produce learning media that can make it easier for students to learn traditional songs, both in class, extracurricular activities, and at home with parental guidance. This research is a development research that is oriented to the development of learning multimedia products. The stages in this research broadly include the preliminary study stage, the planning stage, the design stage, and the development stage. The process of designing this instructional media includes preliminary studies, script making stage, and product making stage. The final product is an interactive learning CD, consists of an opening videos, basic singing technique material and a collection of videos of traditional songs using simple, and fun choreography, and closing.