“…et al ( ), Fern andez et al (2007,Hung (2011);Fernandes et al (2013),Matukhin and Bolgova (2015),Justo and Delgado (2015) A large number of students per class, which does not allow for personalized care to meet individual needsGuti errez et al (2015),Suvannatsiri et al (2014),Shokri (2010) Inappropriate environment for promoting active learning. For example, classrooms set up for lecturesCameron and Lewin (2009),Brodie (2009), Ponta et al (2010), Yadav et al (2013), Razali and Zainal (2013), Kocha et al (2016) Lack of material resources and technology demanded by the learning practices Garc ıa et al (2007), Brodie (2009), Cameron and Lewin (2009), Ponta et al (2010), Matukhin and Zhitkova (2015), Lee et al (2018) Teaching, learning and evaluation process Difficulty in planning and executing the necessary procedures for active learning methods Hung (2011), Fern andez et al (2007), Garc ıa et al (2007), Hsieh and Knight (2008), Suvannatsiri et al (2014), Salmisto and Nokelainen (2014) Methods considered inappropriate for evaluating the development of student competencies, such as exams that require content memorization Lin and Tsai (2009), Du et al (2013), Fernandes et al (2013), Watson et al , R ıos et al (2010), Ponta et al (2010) Lack of institutional support Du et al (2013), Kocha et al (2016) Development of competencies Resistance to changes by professors and students Garc ıa et al (2007), Hsieh and Knight (2008), Khalid et al (2010), R ıos et al (2010), Hung (2011), Yadav et al (2013); Rahman et al (2012), Du et al (2013), Garc ıa et al (2014), Salmisto and Nokelainen (2014), Justo and Delgado(2015), Bolgova (2015), T€ aks et al (2015) Teachers are unprepared for using active methodologiesLappalainen (2010),Du et al (2013),Chuaa (2014) …”