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Notes on Contributors
EditorsSylvie Thouësny is a Ph.D. student at Dublin City University, Ireland. Her current research focuses on language learner variability and language learner modeling to assist second language teachers in the provision of strategic and effective feedback adapted to each individual. This field of research mainly draws on disciplines such as applied linguistics, human computer interaction, natural language processing, intelligent computer-assisted language learning, and dynamic assessment.Linda Bradley is a Ph.D. student and lecturer at the Centre for Language and Communication, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden. Her research interest is language learning and technology, investigating students' interaction, communication and linguistic production in online environments within higher education. Her publications focus on student collaboration and intercultural learning on web based tools such as wikis and blogs. In addition, she has a general interest in self-directed learning on emergent mobile devices.
Reading CommitteeFrançoise Blin has been working in CALL since the late eightie...