The implementation of traditional game-based learning aimed at improving students' physical fitness is very important to do. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the comparison of learning physical fitness activities based on traditional Balinese sports games for the physical fitness of students in junior high schools in Denpasar City. This study used a survey research design using a quantitative approach with a comparative descriptive design. Where, the sample in this study amounted to 200 junior high school students obtained based on cluster sampling technique. The instrument used was the ACSPFT test for junior high school students. The data analysis used includes descriptive statistics (mean, min, max, category) and inferential statistics using MANOVA followed by the Poshoc Tukey test and independent sample t-test. The integration of local wisdom in this case is traditional games in learning very well, in addition to strengthening and introducing local culture, integrating traditional games into learning will make it easier for teachers to teach the learning they want to teach, especially in Physical Education subjects. Physical education is very compatible with the character of traditional games that make children play, which contains elements of cognitive, affective, psychomotor. Moreover, Physical Education for junior high schools in its implementation must generate student interest in learning Physical Education, so one of the learning methods is by using traditional games. Traditional games can be used as an alternative in junior high school physical education. Because traditional games contain elements of play, they are not bound by many rules such as competition which will improve students' physical fitness. Due to the physical fitness of students will be formed, if physical activity is carried out continuously for a long time and is sustainable.