Elementary school students in Indonesia are required to learn to play traditional musical instruments, one of which is angklung (a bamboo musical instrument). However, they might have difficulty in playing angklung because angklung is a type of musical instrument that comes in an ensemble, so it must be played collaboratively. This paper aims at providing a solution for learning to play angklung easily by designing a technology-based touch angklung and implementing it in the classroom. Several computer applications and hardware were integrated to develop the touch angklung. The applications used are Sibelius, Kontakt, Sound Forge Audio Studio, and Scratch. Meanwhile, the hardware used is the MakeyMakey Kit (MMK). The development of the touch angklung comprised of sampling the angklung sounds, making angklung sound buttons on the computer, redesigning the angklung, and assembling the MMK with angklung. The touch angklung was implemented in the classroom in two schools, which consist of 30 students. Each student participated in a survey to identify the results of learning to play traditional musical instruments using the touch angklung. Observations were also carried out by the teachers and researchers. The results showed that the students had high motivation to play the touch angklung. They could play song compositions easily based on the melodies of the songs they have memorized. In conclusion, learning traditional musical instruments is more attractive to students when integrated with technology.